FCNS_INDX is the EnScript for carving and parsing NTFS INDX($INDEX_ALLOCATION) record.
Open the case or create new case, add evidence then launch this EnScript. The following options are available.
- Target
- Selected: blue-checked file/object
- Other: Folder, $LogFile, pagefile.sys, Unallocated Clusters, VSS: enable/disable by each check box
- Filtering Option
- Parse only unused area for current folder
- Skip duplication entries (slow if it found many entries)
- Search only starting position of each sector
- Export
- LEF File: specify the file path for carving INDX record
- TSV File: specify the file path for parsing INDX record
FCNS_INDX_0.9.EnPack (SHA1: 8b34739aed3bf62118a1482e8f70f367fda52a03)
You may use the SOFTWARE freely for personal or commercial and NO WARRANTIES.
EnCase 7.x
Please refer to INDX Artifact(1) and INDX Artifact(2).
The algorithm for search and parse entry from unallocated clusters is the same as fte. This EnScript is useful because it is easy to adjust Target/Filtering option if you have EnCase.
Parsing data is recorded on TSV.
Note: Timestamp such as crtime, mtime, ctime, atime are adjusted by evidence with "Modify time zone settings"